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Family and friends,

     Welcome to my blog! If you haven’t heard by now I have the amazing opportunity to go overseas for 11 months to do mission work! This both excites me and scares me all at the same time!

I will be traveling with a team of 20-30 people my age with the non profit organization Adventures In Missions through their World Race program.  Over the course of 11 months we will go to four different regions(East Africa, South Africa, Asia, and Northern South America). The hub countries of  Ethiopia, Eswatini, South Asia, and Ecuador. At each of these hub  countries we will get cultural and ministry training to effectively engage in each region.  With opportunities(depending on how open the countries are) to go and do ministry in  Rwanda, Uganda, South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Nepal, Columbia, Peru, Argentina, Chile,  and Brazil! In each country we will be partnering with the local church and organizations  in the community spreading the love of Jesus. We will be doing things like church planting, childrens ministry, refugee and school ministry, and community development projects. Meeting the needs of those in the communities both physically and spiritually. I will be living out of a backpack during this time, sleeping in a tent some nights, but other nights I may be blessed with a bed to sleep in.


You may ask “Why go? Why now? Are you counting the costs?”

  Why not now?! I go because God has laid it on my heart to go. Yes, I think of all the things I’ll be missing out on while I’m away. Weddings, babies, graduations, sporting events, family and friends. Leaving a job/jobs(at least for now) that I absolutely love! But friends, what an opportunity and reward it will be to love and serve along side others by going “into all the world to preach the gospel to all creation” (Matt. 16:15).

A little back story on my decision to say YES to going on this journey…


I first heard about the World Race when my eldest brother went about 5 years ago. How cool to travel the world and share the love of Jesus at the same time! Over the years the World Race would come to mind every once in a while but I kept telling myself “No, that’s not for me. I could never do that! That’s a long time to be away from home! No God, sorry”. But over the last year I’ve really been in prayer asking God if there was something that He wants me to be doing. Feeling that He was calling me to something more in this season but not knowing what it was. A few months ago the World Race came to mind  as I was wrestling with some things. I first brushed it off but it kept coming to mind. So I just decided to apply and see what would happen. After being accepted i was still so unsure, wondering if this was the time for it, if this was really what I’m suppose to be doing right now. It wasn’t until i was taking a long drive(God always seems to get ahold of me in the car), that God got ahold of my heart and I finally said  “Okay God I hear you now, I’m ready, I’ll go.”


Each of us have a calling and mission to live out for the Kingdom weather that’s through running a business, being a stay at home mom, a teacher, a coach, a lawyer, etc. And for some we’re called to go places that’s not possible without the help of people like you willing to step out in faith financially and be a part of building the Kingdom. 


This calling to go I know I can’t do on my own, but I know that if God has called me to it He will make a way for it to happen!

The cost of the trip is $18,700. This includes international airfare, ground travel within the countries, training for the mission field, food and lodging budget, health insurance, and ministry supplies. I will also need to raise a little extra for personal supplies/equipment to go so if you would like to donate towards that separately I would be soo soo grateful! This is a big number$ But I trust and know that God will make a way! My first fundraising goal is $5,000 due by September 24th!


Will you consider being a part of this calling  prayerfully and financially to go and be the hands and feet of Christ? Will you take the leap of faith to help send me out to share Jesus with the world?


Thank you in advance for all of your support! 


Be sure to hit the subscribe button to stay up to date on my journey!



    Stephiane Trausch


4 responses to “HE CALLED AND I ANSWERED”

  1. I am so so incredibly proud of you!! I love you so so much! I trust that God will provide all that you need!

  2. Steph, This is a wonderful opportunity and know that the Moran’s will be praying for you. God is so good! Looking forward to hearing more about this incredible ministry opportunity.

  3. We will be praying for you Steph! May Ephesians 3:20 be real in your life…may God do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could ask or think. Looking forward to seeing what God can do! May He blow the socks off of you!